Recognition for Prior Learning

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Self-Assessment Prior to RPL Application
Applying for RPL

Thank you for your interest in Access to Recognised Training for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) program for Hospitality Industry professionals and educators.
By choosing to apply for RPL with us you will be undertaking one of the most up-to-date industry-relevant recognition programs available.
The Institute of Tourism Studies recognises that knowledge, skills and competencies can be gained in a variety of ways; through formal education as well as training, workplace experience or general life wide learning

What is RPL?

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is the process through which students can gain exemption to, or credit within a nationally recognised qualification course/s based on learning outcomes of the study unit candidates apply for including competencies gained through formal, non-formal and informal learning.
The two most common methods for gaining skills recognition are:

  1. Credit Transfer (CT)
  2. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
Credit Transfer (CT)

Credit Transfer assesses the initial course, subject or unit of competence that an individual is using to claim access to, exemption or the award of credit in, the destination course to determine the extent to which it is equivalent to the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes, or standards in a qualification.
Units to be considered for credit transfer will correspond substantially in content, objectives and standard to equivalent units in the Institute course.

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

RPL is a form of assessment which is the process of recognising a person’s skills, knowledge and competencies which candidates may have acquired through previous personal development training, education, work and/or general life experience. The benefits of RPL may reduce the time a student has to spend for attending classes or relearning what they already know and achieved through life – long learning and experience.
The evidence the applicant provides must be authentic (something they have prepared, produced or has been written about them by a relevant third party), and must be sufficient to demonstrate competence against the unit/s of competence.
The applicant must also be able to demonstrate that this evidence is still current and relevant. This may be through a variety of means such as a portfolio of evidence, interviews, voluntary work, written answers, assignment , case studies or a practical demonstration.

The evidence of these skills and knowledge may be used to grant credits or exemption for a subject, module, course or qualification.

The Recognition for Prior Learning Flow Chart
Prior Learning Flow Chart
What will the candidate be assessed against?

The candidate will be assessed against the study unit learning descriptor which clearly states the knowledge, skills and competence for that particular study unit the candidate is applying for, even though you might not have achieved these through work experience, informal and non-formal training and education. These may include working experience, continuous personal development, voluntary work, and life- long learning.