Stipends and Grants

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Student maintenance grants

The Institute offers Student Maintenance Grants. The grants are available to full-time students who meet the eligibility criteria and who are not in full-time employment during the academic period.

Applications for Student Maintenance Grants open at the beginning of the academic year. Students are to apply for the stipend at the beginning of the academic year even if they were in receipt of a stipend in the previous academic year. Upon application, all documentation must be uploaded with the application form.

How to apply for the stipend

We encourage you to read the information below before applying for the stipend.

Click here to apply

Type of student grants

The Institute offers 3 types of grants; a stipend, an initial grant and a supplementary maintenance grant. Information about each grant is provided below.

The Stipend

The Stipend is paid every 4 weeks in arrears.

  • The first two stipends are paid in the beginning of December 2020.
  • Thereafter stipends will be paid every four weeks in arrears.
  • Students are also entitled for a pro-rata COLA of the respective year. This is paid in February.
  • The annual Government statutory bonuses are paid pro-rata.
  • National Insurance contributions are deducted.
  • Students attending ITS to repeat specific module/s in which they failed will be eligible for stipend on a pro-rata basis.

Stipend Rates:

MQF Level Course Amount every 4 weeks (Euro)
2 Foundation 121.43
3 Certificate 121.43
4 Diploma 121.43
5 1st year National Higher Diploma (2 year courses) 195.18
5 2nd year National Higher Diploma (2 year courses) 225.52
5 National Higher Diploma (1 year course) 225.52
6 1st year Bachelor’s degree 225.52
6 2nd year Bachelor’s degree 240.69
6 3rd year Bachelor’s degree 240.69

Initial Grant

To partially support students in covering the purchases of material and equipment required in their studies, an initial grant of Euro 333.00 is available for students in receipt of a stipend. This grant is payable with the first stipend in December.

Eligibility Criteria

Maltese students must meet all 4 eligibility criteria:

  • Maltese citizens, or students with at least one parent being a Maltese Citizen;
  • have resided in Malta for a period of not less than 5 years from the commencement of their course of study;
  • have completed their term of compulsory education; and
  • are attending a full-time day course.

International students must meet all 5 eligibility criteria:

  • are Maltese citizens, or students with at least one parent being a Maltese citizen or have EU/ EEA nationality;
  • have resided in Malta for a period of not less than 5 years from the commencement of their course of studies;
  • have completed their term of compulsory education;
  • are attending a full-time day course; and
  • must be in possession of a residence permit

How will you receive your stipend?

It is important to have a bank account as stipends are payable through a bank transfer. We suggest you to open a bank account as soon as your application is accepted by the Registrar’s office. You will be required to provide your bank account’s IBAN number when applying online for your stipend.

Your pay dates during 2020/2021

Stipend Date
1st 1 December 2020
2nd 29 December 2020
3rd 27 January 2021
4th 24 February 2021
5th 24 March 2021
6th 21 April 2021
7th 19 May 2021
8th 16 June 2021
9th 14 July 2021

Supplementary Maintenance Grant

This grant provides additional support to students who may have specific financial difficulties and are in receipt of a stipend. Students eligible for this grant will receive an additional 85% of their stipend value.

Applications for the Supplementary Maintenance Grants are open at the beginning of the academic year. Students are to apply for the grant at the beginning of the academic year even if they were in receipt of the grant in the previous academic year. Upon application, all documentation must be uploaded with the application form.

How to apply for the supplementary Maintenance Grant

We encourage you to read the information below before applying for the stipend.

Click here to apply

Deadline for applications is 2nd of November 2020. Late applications will not be accepted.

Eligibility for Students Maintenance Grant

For students to be eligible for the Students Maintenance Grant, the yearly household income must not exceed the annual earnings listed below:

Type of household income Annual household income
Family Euro 12,700
Single Parent Euro 10,500
Single Euro 9,100

In addition to the household income, eligibility is based on the submission and vetting of the documents, where applicable, listed below:

  • a copy of recognition document issued by the Maltese authorities in the case of foreign students;
  • ID card, FS3 and the last three payslips of the applicant and spouse/partner/parents or guardians' income with whom applicant resides;
  • birth certificate of applicant's children, if any;
  • death certificate, if applicable, of Spouse/partner/parents/guardians;
  • documentation of social benefits received, if applicable, including any type of pension, children's allowance and child supplement;
  • if the household members are not in receipt of social benefits and/or if unemployed, a statement from the Social Security Department will be required, together with a Jobsplus Employment History;
  • full Separation/Divorce/Annulment documents indicating maintenance support/alimony;
  • medical certificate in case of illness/disability and a copy of the KNPD ID card; and
  • any other supporting documents which the applicant would like to share to support his/her application.  

Following vetting of applications, students will be informed of the outcome by email.

Stipend office contact person and opening hours

Ms Romina Chircop will assist current and prospective students with any queries related to the Student Grants.

In the current Covid-19 situation, we encourage you to make communication with the Stipend Office via email on or on telephone number 23793236.

Should you wish to visit our office, we are located in:

Block A, Room
Aviation Park
Aviation Avenue

Our opening hours are:

From 1 October to 15 June

Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 12:00 and 13:00 to 16:00

From 16 June to 30 September

Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 12:00

Do you have any additional queries?

Any queries about the grants are to be address to The Stipend Office within the Finance Department. Send us an email on and we will assist with your query.