Student Support

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Our Team

The Institute of Tourism Studies invests a lot in student support services and has a team of dedicated staff that are at the student’s disposal.

What do we do?
  • We provide wellbeing sessions to all ITS students allowing them to discuss any concerns or personal matters that are affecting their wellbeing in a confidential setting.
  • We provide wellbeing sessions to all students who are abroad on a foreign work placement via MS Teams video calls.
  • We give students the opportunity to discuss anything related to their programme of study and any other related matters during their time at ITS or during their work placement.
  • We provide one-to-one guidance sessions related to assisting a candidate in choosing the right course and career path.
  • We organise orientation visits on campus to all secondary and post-secondary schools.
  • We assist students in their preparation for their International Internship.
  • We organize talks about relevant topics for students during the scholastic year.
  • We distribute information about topics related to well-being to students.
  • We reach out to students who seem to be undergoing some difficulties.
  • We liaise with parents, lecturers and other departments within the institute according to the students' specific needs.
  • We provide a service that incorporates an element of outreach to students on campus.
  • Through informal and non-formal means, we seek to nurture a sense of community in our Institute; a sense of belonging, as well as a sense of empathy for others.
  • We strive to keep the total wellbeing of our students at the forefront and work to help them to develop the skills necessary to actively engage in society and work towards positive change where is needed.
  • Through this work on outreach, we are in a better position to get to know our students and thus more able to deliver and respond to individual needs and situations as they arise.


some general text on services

Career Guidance

What career guidance services are available to prospective students?

What career guidance services are available to current students?

What career guidance services are available to schools?

Wellbeing Services

Which aspects of life can I discuss during wellbeing sessions?

How long are wellbeing sessions? And can I miss a lecture to attend a wellbeing session?

Where are wellbeing sessions held?

What are the Wellbeing Services’ Opening Hours?

How do I set an appointment for a wellbeing session?