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Local and International Internships

The aim of the Local Industrial Trade Practice (LITP) and the International Internship Trade Practice (IITP) is to give students the opportunity to apply what they have learnt in the lecture room to a work-based learning experience, while at the same time being encouraged to network with industry leaders. These contacts could potentially lead to job offers once students successfully complete their studies with the Institute of Tourism Studies.

Local Industrial Trade Practice (LITP)

The Local Industrial Trade Practice (LITP) is a fourteen (14) week practical experience in the Maltese tourism and hospitality industry. All full-time students are required to undertake their LITP during the summer months, within departments that are related to the student’s area of study. The satisfactory completion of the LITP is a requirement for the programmes of studies where the LITP is mentioned.

International Internship Trade Practice (IITP)

The International Internship Trade Practice (IITP) is a twelve (12) month practical experience in the tourism and hospitality industry, which ITS students undertake in a foreign country, which may be both a European or non-European country. It is a mandatory module for students following the Diploma programmes.

Students enrolled in the Bachelor’s Degree courses need to undergo a compulsory fourteen (14) week international internship.

The satisfactory completion of the IITP is a requirement for the programmes of studies where the IITP is mentioned.

The LITP and IITP is a negotiated partnership and students may reap many benefits from such experience including:

  • academic credit;
  • basic salary;
  • practice in disciplinary skills;
  • exposure to professional practices;
  • self-development;
  • the opportunity to exercise civic responsibility;
  • expansion of social and professional networks;
  • CV building.

The exact dates for the LITP and IITP depend on the academic calendar which varies each scholastic year.

LITP and IITP Conditions, Costs & Remuneration

Conditions of employment and remuneration payable to students during the LITP and IITP will be compliant with the respective country’s employment regulations.

Students may propose establishments where to conduct their work placement, as long as such establishments abide by employment regulations.

Students embarking on their international internship must make their own travel and insurance arrangements.

Final approval of the placement arrangements is at the discretion of the CEO and the Student Cases Board within the Institute of Tourism Studies.


The practicum is aimed at providing students with the opportunity to undertake firsthand experiential training in the heritage industry. This work experience will be in line with the students’ area of study, enabling them to put into practice the theoretical aspects of their studies. Moreover, such an experience is crucial in providing students with a clear insight into the needs and demands that govern the local heritage industry, particularly with regard to interpretation and visitors’ satisfaction.