Learning Support

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Learning Coaches

ITS has a dedicated team of Learning Coaches who support students with special needs and/ or learning difficulties and/or specific difficulties throughout their learning experience. 

What we do?

  • We support students with special needs and/or learning challenges and/ or specific difficulties throughout their learning experience.
  • We collaborate with lecturers and curriculum staff to develop access arrangements for students with special needs and/or learning challenges and/ or specific difficulties.
  • We provide complimentary sessions, to help students study for tests / exams and for second explanations.
  • In collaboration with the lecturers, we draw simplified worksheets for students with additional needs, to be used during complimentary sessions and for home revision purposes.
  • We prepare necessary adaptations to be used during lectures / practical sessions to facilitate the learning process of the students. 
Alternative Learning Programme

Alternative Learning Programmes may be designed for students who may not benefit from a learning experience point of view by following the mainstream programmes and all their components. 


At which point do I inform the Institute of Tourism Studies that I am a student who has special needs and/or learning challenges and/ or specific difficulties? 

Do I need to present any documents?

Will I be given one-to-one support?