IT Services

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IT Services

The IT Department maintains and manages all digital systems at the Institute of Tourism Studies, including all hardware and software used and required by students and staff, and provides support to students, academics and administrative staff of the Institute.

The IT Department, in fact, supports all other departments, supplying them with equipment such as workstations, laptops, telephony, connectivity devices, hybrid classroom technology and so on, as well as providing core office and classroom services such as printing and telephony. IT services also comprise facilities for student printing, the provision of campus-wide wi-fi and Internet access, provision of official RFID student and staff cards, and underlying support for security equipment and services.

Through the use of IT equipment and software, ITS staff are enabled to carry out their roles and responsibilities and maintain core systems that are integral to our organization. Meanwhile, our IT resources help consolidate and enhance the student experience on and off campus. We offer staff and students access to Microsoft 365, an online learning environment and the full suite of office applications to allow for a collaborative and secure learning and working atmosphere.

We also equip students with access to a vast array of software to support their studies whether they are on campus or studying from home. ITS provides several IT Labs and resource rooms for students.

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